St. Paraskeva Church, Kwiaton

Orthodox Church of St. Paraskeva in Kwiaton (now the Church, since 1991, has also a second name – of Our Lady Queen) is considered to be the most beautiful, but also very typical of the western Lemkowszczyzna.

It stands between the road from Uscie Gorlickie to Oil and Zdynia stream, next to the big, well-kept cemetery. With a shingle slim towerit is visible from the distance. It was established in the eighteenth century, despite the turmoil it remained intact interior. The iconostasis of the early twentieth century is the work of Michael Bogdanski. It consists of three rows of Irons, topped with medallions with images of Old Testament prophets. They - along with imperial gate in the middle and deacons aside - separate the faithfulls from the tabernacle.

  • Kwiaton
  • Kwiaton, Malopolska
  • Kwiatoń - cerkiew prawosławna pod wezwaniem św. Paraskewy Serbskiej


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    All Saints Church, Blizno

    Wooden, Gothic All Saints’ Church in Blizno was built in the half 15th century. It is picturesquely located on a hill and encircled by ancient forest.

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    St. Leonard's Church, Lipnica Murowana

    It was built at the end of 15th century using larch wood in place of an old church. It has been preserved until toady in an unchanged form and it is one of the most valuable wooden Gothic buildings in Poland.